неділя, 17 травня 2015 р.

The Big Wolf and the Little Bee

The little rabbit begins to cry. He runs and runs, and sees a little bee.
"Oh, Little Bee,” says the rabbit, ‘'I cannot come into my house. The big wolf is in it. He wants to eat me. The horse cannot help me, the dog cannot help me, you are very little.”
But the little bee says, “I am little, but I can help you. Let us go to your house.”
They go to the rabbit’s house. The big wolf lives in it. He says, ”Go away. 1 want to live in this house, and I can eat you.”
But the little bee begins to fly and fly. It flies into rabbit’s house and stings the big wolf. And the wolf runs out of the rabbit’s house. Now the house is free and the rabbit can live in it again.
Task I. Listen and put a tick (v) or a cross (x):
1.                      The little rabbit sees a little wolf.
2.                      The big wolf is in the house.
3.                      The horse and the dog can help the rabbit.
4.                      The little bee says “I can help you”.
5.                      The wolf eats the bee.
6.                      The rabbit and the wolf live in the house together.
Task II. Choose A, B, or C:
1.    The little rabbit begins
A   to cry
B   to eat
C   to hop
2.    The little rabbit sees
A   the wolf
B   the bee
C   the fox
3.    The little bee says: “Let’s go to your....”
A   room
B   flat
C   house
     4. The little bee wants
          A   to help the rabbit
          B   to live in the rabbit’s house
          C   to see the rabbit
     5. "I want to live in this house and I can eat you,”
A   the rabbit says
B   the bee says
C   the wolf says
     6.  The big wolf:
A   runs out of the house
B   lives in the house
C   lives with the rabbit in the house

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