середа, 13 грудня 2017 р.

Відкриття декадника іноземних мов


В залі грає музика. Учні збираються.
Звучать фанфари.

         -Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Welcome to the world of wonderland. Our journey won’t be long. Students of our school will spent only ten days in the wonderland. But we hope you’ll enjoy it.

         -Everyone likes reading books, do you? Reading helps us get into magic world of adventures, mysteries and visit unknown lands and countries. Do you know me? I’m Alice. My story was written over a hundred years ago by Lewis Carroll. There are plenty of wonders still unknown. Today we are going to our Wonderland.

Аліса сідає на крісло, читає книжку і засинає.

Чути шум, звучить хвилююча музика.

В актову залу вбігають Білий Кролик і Шляпник.

-Whats the time?  What’s the time? What’s the time? I’m late. Im late. Im late..
Alice: Wait for me! Please? Wait!
Аліса: Where am I?
Кролик: You are in Wonderland! This mysterious world is full of exciting events and riddles! Would you like to see them?
Аліса: Yes, of course! I’m looking forward to seeing it. (весело плескає в долоні)
Капелюшник:  Lets start! Hackory , Dackory….
 Кролик: The first wonder takes place in EngLand. Come with me!
Учні 3 класу розказують вірші.
Aліса: What touching poems!
Капелюшник: It’s only the beginning of our adventurous tour. Now I want you to travel to different countries.
Учні 4 класу виконують пісню.
Aліса: This song is very unusual and lovely! What will be the next wonderful place?
Кролик: The next place… is Center of Hope school.
Aліса: They are brilliant children!
Капелюшник: But there will be more!
Aліса: Certainly! Is it possible?
Кролик: Of course! Come with me to Center of Hope school!

Aліса: Thank you, my dear Rabbit! Thank you everybody! Now I see that our life is really full of wonders. But if you want to open these doors you need a key. ( показує ключ). Of course this KEY is a foreign language.

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