середа, 13 грудня 2017 р.

Lazy Little Princess and New Year

1.     Narrator
2.     Princess
3.     Queen
4.     King
5.     Fairy
6.     Snow Queen
7.     Snowflake 1
8.     Snowflake 2
9.     Bear
10. Tiger
11. Rabbit
12. Fox
13. Santa Claus
  Королівський палац.
За столом сидить принцеса, перед нею тарілка з тістечками і склянка молока.
Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a little princess. Her name was Emily. She was lazy. She didn’t like reading and going to school. And she didn’t like to do her homework. She had a mother, and a father…
Виходять король і королева.
Narrator: And a Fairy God-mother.
Виходить фея.
King: Good afternoon, my child!
Princess: Hi, Daddy.
Queen: Good afternoon, dear!
Princess: Hi, Mum.
Fairy: Hello, Emily.
Princess: Hello, hello.
King: How are you today?
Princess: Terrible!
Queen: Oh, why?
Princess: I don’t want to clean my teeth! I don’t want to drink this milk and eat these cakes! I don’t want to go to school!
Fairy: And what do you want?
Princess: I want to get my Christmas presents right now!
King: What presents do you want to get?
Princess: New dress, dolls, and cars, and…
King: But you have got many dolls!
Queen:  And cars!
Fairy:  And toys!
Princess: Sweets, a dog, a cat…Here you are, father! (Принцеса віддає Королю величезний список  подарунків.)
Король, Королева і Фея ідуть. Зявляється Снігова Королева одягнена у плащ.
A song: Absolutely Nothing

Snow Queen: Dear girl, could you help me?
Princess: Who are you? I don’t know you. Why must I help you?
Snow Queen: I am only an old woman. I’m thirsty and hungry. Could you give me some food, please?
Princess: Go away. I’m busy. I am doing my homework.
Snow Queen: Could you give me some bread?
Princess: I haven’t got any bread. Go away.
Snow Queen: OK. I am going away. (Збирається йти.) But…
Снігова Королева дістає чарівну паличку і зявляється сніжинка. Вона знімає плащ зі Снігової Королеви.
Snow Queen:  I’m the Snow Queen!
                            The snow is falling,
                            The wind is blowing,
                            The ground is white
                            All day and all night!
Snowflake 1: Yes! She is the Snow Queen! And I am her Snowflake!
Snowflake 2: And I am her Snowflake too!
Snow Queen: Little snowflakes, come and play!
 Сніжинки танцюють навколо принцеси.
Snowflake 1:                I am little Snowflake
                                      Falling from the sky,
                                      Falling, falling, falling
                                      Down to Earth I fly.
Snowflake 2:            Snowflakes are nice,
Snowflakes are white.
They fall all day,
They fall all night!

Snowflakes are nice,
Snowflakes are white.
They fall by day,
They fall at night.
Snowflakes falling
One by one,
Time to play,
And have some fun.
Build a snowman
Snowballs, too,
Come and see what you can do.

Snowflakes are falling on the ground,
On our houses and in our town.
On my nose and in my hair,
Snowflakes are falling everywhere.

I’m a little snowflake, look at me.
No other snowflake is just like me.
I’m so unique, as you can see,
And just as special as I can be!

I'm a little snowflake white and round
I don't make a sound as I fall to the ground

I’m a little snowflake
Happy and light
And I like to fly around
Beaming at night
And sitting  on  a fir-tree
Shimmering bright

Snow Queen: Emily, you are a bad girl, and that’s why all of you (торкається усіх чарівною паличкою) will never meet Santa Claus and New Year!
Snowflakes: Never!  Never!
Снігова Королева і Сніжинки йдуть. Принцеса починає плакати.
Princess: How can we live without Santa Claus and New Year? And without presents?
Зявляється фея-хрещена.
Fairy: Don’t cry, Emily. I am your Fairy and I can help you to find Santa Claus and New Year. But you must become a good girl!
Princess: Yes, yes, I promise! Thank you, thank you!
Fairy: You must find Santa Claus and New Year. And now, please, close your eyes. One, two, three!
Принцеса заплющує очі. Фея йде. Принцеса відкриває очі і опиняється у темному лісі.
A song The Happiest Christmas Tree
Princess: Oh, I am in the forest. It’s cold. Where is Santa Claus?
Зявляються тигреня і лисичка.
Tiger: Oh, girl, I am a little Tiger. I am cold, help me, please.
Princess: You are so small! Take my coat, please!
Fox: I am a little Fox and I am cold too!
Принцеса віддає лисичці свої рукавички..
Fox: Thank you! You re so kind!
Зявляються ведмідь і зайчик.
Bear: I am hungry!
Принцеса віддає їм цукерку.
Rabbit: I am so hungry too! Give me some sweets, please!
Rabbit: Thank you! What is your name, little Princess?
Princess: My name is Emily!
Tiger: You are so nice, Emily!
Rabbit: We can help you, Emily. Go to that big tree.
 Princess: Thank you very much, my friends!
Bear, Tiger, Rabbit and Fox: Goodbye, Emily!  
Princess: Bye-bye.
Принцеса підходить до дерева. Під деревом сидить Санта Клаус.
Princess: Hello. Who are you?
Santa Claus: Hello. I am Santa Claus.
Princess: Really? Hurray! I am glad to see you!
Santa Claus: I am glad to see you too, little Princess!
                                      New Year Day! New Year Day!
Let us sing. And let us play!
Santa brings many toys
For little girls and little boys!
Princess:  And for me! Santa, Santa, I want a doll.
Santa Claus: You helped these little animals; you are a very good girl!
Санта дарує принцесі  ляльку.
Princess:             Santa Claus
Santa Claus
Come to our house!
New Year is near.
Come quickly here!
Виходять усі герої казки.
Queen: Oh, look! Emily is coming with new friends!
Fairy: And Santa Claus!
King: Now we can celebrate Christmas and New Year!
Everybody: Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
Santa Claus:  New things to learn,

Fairy:  New things to meet,

King: New songs to sing,

Queen: New joys to greet.

Snow Queen: New things to see,

Snowflake 1:  New things to hear,

Rabbit: New things to do

Everybody: In this nice New Year!

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