понеділок, 16 лютого 2015 р.

Конспект уроку англійської мови "The City" 3 клас

Topic. Around the City. 

Teaching aim: - to enrich pupils’ vocabulary.
-         to use modal verb “can” in sentences and prepositions at\in.
-         to teach pupils to work in groups.
 Practical aim: - to develop pupils’ skills of speaking about the city buildings.
-         to practice asking the question “Where can…?”
-         to develop pupils’ skills in reading on the basis of the texts.
-         to teach pupils to make up projects and present them.

 Developing aim: - to develop pupils’ interest to visit places of culture.

Educative aim: - to teach pupils to behave well in public places, to know more about the capitals of 
                           Ukraine and Great Britain.

Resources and equipment: a tape-recorder, a computer, schemes, pictures, a map of Rivne.


I.                  Introduction.
T:   Are you ready for the lesson?
Cl:   Yes, we are.
T: I’m glad to see you.
Cl: We are glad to see too.
T: Greet our guests, please.
Cl: Good morning, dear guests.

II.               Warming up.
T: How are you today, Tim?
P1: I’m OK.
T: What about you?
P2: I’m wonderful!
T: And you?
P3: I’m happy today.
T: Sasha, you look great today?
P4:Thank you. I’m in a good mood.
T: Valeria, you have a very pretty blouse today!
      P5: Thank you very much. It thanks to my mother.
T:  Nastya, what are you fond of?
P6: I’m fond of going to the cinema. I like watching cartoons.
T: And what is your favourite cartoon, Jasmina?
P7: My favoutite cartoon is “Tom and Jerry”.
T:  Nazar, what are you good at?
P8: I’m good at drawing maps. I can draw a map of our city.
T: Yana, I know you travel a lot. What is your favourite city?
P9: London is my favourite city.
T: Do you like going for a walk around our city?
P10: Yes, I do. I like going to the park with my mother.
T: And how do you spend your free time?
P11: I visit our zoo very often, because I like animals very much.
T: Can we watch animals at the circus?
P12: Yes, we can.

III.           Phonetic  drill.
T:  If you want to have a good English pronunciation, you must drill the sounds.
So, watch and repeat.  (A video “ Double phonics”).

IV.            Introduction of the topic.
T: Now, look at the blackboard. Guess, what we are going to do at our lesson.
P1: We are going to watch a video.
T: Why do you think so?
P1: I think so, because I see a tape - recorder.
P2: We are going to write the words, because I see encoded words.
P3: We are going to speak about Rivne, because I see Rivne map.
P4: We are going to speak about road signs, because I see them on the blackboard.
P5: We are going to speak abou directions which are on the blackboard.
T: Yes, today we’ll talk about the city, its places of interest, tell what we can do there and why we like going in one place or another.
You know to cross the streets in the city we need traffic lights. So our marks today will be green light – 2 points, yellow – 1 point and red – 0 points. At the end of the lesson you’ll count your points and get marks. If you have 16-14 points, your mark is 12, 13-12 your mark is 11, 11-10 points – 10, 9-8 points your mark is 9.

V: Vocabulary revision.
1)    “A snow ball game” ( Icebreaker game)
T: It’s winter now. It’s high time to play snowballs. To make our game more interesting take this ball of yarn and toss it to your friend naming one building in the city, your friend has to repeat your word and add his own one and toss the ball to another pupil.
T: Great. You have a very good memory. Now, look at our web and see how friendly and strong  we are. Only true friends can create it.

2)     Look at the blackboard. Here we have pictures and scramble words. Decode the words and write them under the pictures. (school, hospital, swimming pool, museum, theatre, circus, market, cinema, café).
T: Repeat the words all together. Now say what people can do there. Use the model on the  blackboard I can verb at\in…
P: We can study at school. 
-         We can see a doctor in hospital.
-         We can swim in the swimming pool.
-         We can see old things in the museum.
-         We can watch a play in the theatre.
-         We can watch clowns and animals in the circus.
-         We can buy different things at the market.
-         We can watch films in the cinema.
-         We can have dinner at the café.
T: Look at our model once more. How can we make questions with the verb “can”?
P: We have to put it in the beginning. And the question word before it.
T: Ask and answer questions about the buildings of the city. Use the model “Where can I…?”
P1: Where can I see a film?  (You can see a film in the cinema).
-         Where can I get any books?  (You can get some books in the library).
-         Where can I buy a good picture? (You can buy a good picture in the gallery).
-         Where can I see old things? (You can see old things in the museum).
-         Where can I stay visiting town? (You can stay in the hotel).
-         Where can I buy a stamp for a letter? (You can buy it at the post office).
-         Where can I see animals? (You can see animals in the zoo).
-         Where can I pray? (You can pray in the church).
-         Where can I listen to the classical music? (You can listen to the classical music in the Organ Hall.
-         Where can I buy some food? (You can do it in the supermarket).
-         Where can I watch a performance? (You can see it in the theatre).
-         Where can I see a policeman? (You can see him at the police station).

VI: Relaxation.
T: Are you tired?
Cl: Yes, we are.
T: Sing a song “In the City”and the 1st group be ready to name the buildings in this city and the 2nd group will compare them with the buildings in our city.

VII. Speaking.
T: Look at this map.  It’s our native city Rivne.  Now, imagine you are walking along the Rivne streets.  Take one of the directions, tell about the location of the buildings in our city and stick it on the map.
P: The theatre is near the hotel “Ukraina”.
-         Our department store is opposite the post office.
-         The cinema is between the bookstores and two blue houses. It’s near our school.
-         The Chamber Hall is opposite the market.
-         The cathedral is next to the supermarket of electronics.
-         The zoo is far behind the hospital.
-         Our library is on the right of the museum in the Hydro park.
-         There is an Art gallery on the left of the shopping center “Zlata Plaza”.
T: Once more look attentively at our map, please. What is missing?
P: I think,  road signs are missing.
T: You are right. So, let’s explain road signs and stick them on their places.
P: This sign means you must stop.
-         You must turn right.
-         You mustn’t feed animals.
-         You can’t turn left.
-         You mustn’t cross the street here.
-         No way!
-         You mustn’t touch things.
-         Don’t walk on the grass.
T: Tell me, please, can you see our school on this map. Where is it? How do you get to school?

VIII. Dialogues.
T: Now we’ll play a game. Your hometask was to learn the dialogue.  One of you is a policeman. Some people are asking the way. You are answering the questions.  Use our map.
A: Excuse me! How can I get to the Drama Theatre, please?
P: Go along Soborna Street, then you’ll see the hotel “Ukraina”.  And the Drama Theatre is next to it.
B: Where can we buy some meal? We are very hungry.
P: You can buy it in the supermarket.
B: Where is it?
 P: It is over there, opposite the post office.
C:  Could you tell me how to get to the zoo?
P: Sure, I can. Go to the bus stop next to the ekomarket. Take a bus number 34. It goes straight to the zoo.
D: How can I get to the library?
P: Go along Soborna Street, turn left, pass the shopping center “Zlata Plaza”. Then you will see the Hydro park. The library is on the right.
E: Can you tell me the way to the Art gallery, please?
P: Cross Soborna Street, go along July16 Street. The Art gallery is on the right.

IX. Reading. Project work.
T: Now you’ll have very interesting task. You also work in groups. Group1 opens your books on the page 90 and group 2 on the page100. Your task is to read and understand the text. Then you’ll make a city map from the pictures on your desks and present it.

X. Evaluations.
XI. Conclusions.
T: Do you like our lesson? What tasks do you like the most?
XII. Home task.
T: Your home task is to describe our city Rivne using the map.  Do it in a writing form.

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