середа, 18 лютого 2015 р.

Topics 4th form

Free-Time Activities
People enjoy doing different things in their free time. Some of them like rollerblading, dancing or playing computer games. Others prefer doing athletics or gymnastics. There are such hobbies as photography, music, fashion, martial arts and others.

People all over the world go in for different kinds of sports. Ukrainian people like sport and games too. In my opinion the top five sports in our country are football, basketball, swimming, athletics and gymnastics. Many famous Ukrainian sportsmen are Olympic champions. My classmates are interested in skateboarding, cycling and playing computer games. A lot of schoolchildren join sport clubs where they meet friends with the same hobby.
The British and Australians also love sport. They play it, they talk about it and watch it on TV. Australian weather is perfect for sport. And there are thousands of great beaches, so swimming is very popular. As for Britain, the weather isn’t very good, so water sports aren’t popular with many people. Football, swimming, cricket and basketball are top sports in Australia and the UK. Young people also do other activities with friends: for example skateboarding, cycling and horse riding.
As for me I go in for judo. I usually have trainings twice a week. First we train our arms, legs and stomachs. Them we practice fighting for an hour. I hardly ever have free time, but at weekends I always do my favourite activities. They are reading books and rollerblading.
From my point of view free-time activities help us feel strong, cheerful and full of energy.


Hobbies and Pastimes
To start with I should say that there are many hobbies such as fishing, gardening, reading books, travelling, going shopping, doing sports, collecting things, watching TV and so on. They are very interesting and exciting. As for me I am a very clever and curious boy\girl that’s why I have some hobbies too. So, I like … and … . But I don’t like … and … . I think it’s boring! … is one of my favourite hobbies. I started to do it when I was … and I usually do it … . Another nice pastimes for me are parties. I like fancy-dress and birthday parties. To prepare for a party I clean my flat, blow up coloured balloons, make decorations and help my mother to cook many different tasty things. It is a great fun!
I’m sure that watching films is also great. I usually go to the cinema with my … every … . Best of all I prefer … and … . My favourite film is … and my favourite actor/ actress is … . He/she is brilliant. So I can’t imagine my life without hobbies

People celebrate a lot of holidays all the year round. Many holidays are days when we don’t go to school and grown ups don’t go to work. On some holidays such as Christmas and Easter people go to church. Some holidays are the birthdays of famous people like Taras Shevchenko in Ukraine or the British Queen in Great Britain. I would like to tell about the most popular celebrations.
One of them is Christmas. We celebrate it on the  7th  of January. We open our presents in the morning on this day. The younger children have a stocking full of little presents next to their bed. Only good children get things. Naughty children get bad presents. The other presents are under the tree in the living room.
Easter is also a religious holiday. People celebrate Easter on Sunday in April or May. They go to the church to bless food. Children enjoy decorating and colouring eggs before this holiday. It is a tradition to have a family dinner on this holiday.
St. Valentine’s Day is the day of love and friendship. People make or buy nice cards. They write their words of love and friendship there. And they send the cards to the people they love. There is a trick about the cards. You shouldn’t write the name on the card. Your friend should guess the name. People often make parties on this day.
My favourite holiday is … We celebrate it on the … I like it because …

My Flat
I live with my mother, father and brother in block of flats. Our flat is on the … floor.
We have got a living room, a bedroom, a children’s room, a hall, a kitchen, and a bathroom.
My room is not very large, but it is light and cosy. I sleep on the comfortable sofa. It is on the left near the wall. There is a chest of drawers next to the sofa. You can see a nice vase on the chest of drawers. It’s made in China. The desk is by the window. There is a computer on the table and two chairs near it. I have got a lot of books for school and for reading. They are on the bookshelves.
There is a big soft carpet in the middle of the room. I like to lie on it when I’m tired.
I tidy up my room twice a week. I do the carpets with the vacuum cleaner, polish the furniture and water the flowers. I never drop things around the room. I put them in their places. So, my room is always in order.
Try to keep your room in order:
Sweep the floor and make your bed.
You should never let disorder
Steal your time and make you sad.

Reading Books
Reading books is a very popular pastime of children and grown-ups. Do you know why? Of course, you do. Books are our friends and teachers. You can find answers to all questions in books, because there are different kinds of books.
Books about famous people teach us to be noble, honest and hard-working. Stories about nature teach us to understand the beauty of nature, to take good care of it, to help birds and animals. I’m fond of reading books about other countries. It is so interesting to know their history, traditions, customs and their places of interest. It’s fun to read stories about children and their adventures. Fables and fairy-tales are also very amusing. They teach us to be kind and clever, polite and modest, not to be lazy and naughty, not to boast and not to wish too much. They teach us not to be silly and to think well. From books we learn what is right and what is wrong and how to behave in different life situations.
I have got a bright imagination, and when I am reading a book, I imagine the people and places. I often imagine that I am one of the characters. Time flies quickly then, and I can’t take my eyes off the book.
My favourite book is … The author of the book is … The main character of the book is … (What does he look like? What is he like?)
Since books are friends,
They need much care.
When you’re reading them,
Be good to them and fair.
I try my best to do it. I always wash my hands before reading. I don’t write or draw on the pages. I don’t make dog’s ears, I use book-marks. I don’t cut or tear pages. If I take the book from the library, I always return it in time.
So, books are my good friends and I try to be a good friend to them, too.

Rivne is a big town. There is the River Ustia in our town. There are many different streets in Rivne: old and new, long and short. The main street is Soborna street. It is the longest street in Rivne. The heart of Rivne is Independence Square. There is a lot to see in Independence Square: the monument to Taras Shevchenko – famous Ukrainian writer, the building of the Central Post Office. Behind the monument there is a Cinema House ”Ukraina”. Teatralna Street is famous for Drama Theatre. To the left of the theatre you can see a monument to Ulas Samchuk and to the right there is an underground shopping center. Not far from the Teatralna Street there is a monument to Maria Nesvitska, who was called the Princess of Rivne. It is great.
My town is very beautiful and cosy. People like to spend their free time in the central park or in the Hydro Park. There is a big and nice Zoo out of the town. There are many domestic and wild animals and birds in it. The main cultural centers in Rivne are: the Drama Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Cineme House ”Ukraina” and many museums. There are many modern buildings in Rivne. There are banks, hotels, holpitals, shopa and cafes.
I think, Rivne is the best town in Ukraine.

                                                                                                    4th form
Travelling is very popular nowadays.
Everybody travels
To places near and far
By bus or train, by boat or plane,
Bicycle or car.
Some people travel on business, others travel for pleasure. When you travel, you can see and learn lots of new things. You can enjoy the beauty of nature. You can visit different cities and countries and make new friends.
There are many ways of travelling. Travelling by plane is the fastest. Modern planes are very comfortable, but the tickets are very expensive. Besides, planes don’t fly in bad weather.
Trains are slower than planes, but not less comfortable. You can see everything from the train window. Trains go in any weather. They are safe and not expensive.
Over the mountains,                      Carrying passengers,
Over the plains,                             Carrying mail,
Over the rivers,                             Over the country
Here come trains.                          Here come trains.
Many people are crazy about travelling by car. They don’t need to buy tickets. They go where they want and stop where they want. But I think that cars are more dangerous than any other means of transport and not so comfortable.
As for me I like to travel very much. I travelled by plane, by train, by bus, by car, by bicycle and on foot. I have got a dream. I want to visit other countries. The best way to get there is by ship. It’s great to breathe the sea air, to watch the fish in the water and the birds over the ship. The passengers can swim in the pool on board the ship or sunbathe. I think a sea voyage is fantastic.
I hope me dream will come true.

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