середа, 18 лютого 2015 р.

Topics 6-7th form

                                                                                          6-7th form
City Life and Rural Life
Everybody is a personality and everybody has his own taste. We can choose things to wear, food to eat and place to live in. People can advise us certain styles of clothes and certain kinds of food, but the place to live we must choose ourselves. One can prefer to live in the city, another wants to live in the country.

To my mind life in the city is much easier than in the country. Firstly, there is a developed transport system, so you can get quickly to the place you want. Another point is you needn’t to take care of domestic animals and to do gardening. Life is more comfortable because there are a lot of supermarkets and shops. You can enjoy going sightseeing and visiting museums and galleries. But I want to add, that pollution is the greatest disadvantage of the city life today. Noise pollution is the problem of big cities too.
Everyone who cares about his health tries to move out from the city. My guess is that some people are born for rural life. They can’t fit to live in the city. Rural life has its own advantages. There isn’t any noise and the air is clean and fresh. Furthemore, you can eat your own fruit and vegetables. The life is cheaper and it’s more safe to live in the country.
If I was asked to live in the country, I would refuse, but it is only my thought. To finish with, wherever to live you must look only for advantages of your life.

Environmental Pollution

Nowadays environmental pollution is one of the serious problems in the world. Environmental pollution is a pollution of air, water and land. Pollution leads to global warming and climate change.
There are lots of different types of pollution: air, water and soil pollution, noise and light pollution others.
Air pollution is one of the major problems of today. Millions of people all over the world live in areas in which the air is not safe to breathe. One of the main sources of this type of pollution is industry. Numerous factories and plants release into the atmosphere a lot of  chemicals.
Water pollution kills large quantity of fish, birds, and other animals, in some cases killing everything in an affected area.Pollution makes streams, lakes, unpleasant to swim in or to have a rest. People who polluted water can become ill, if they drink polluted water for a long time,
Automobiles are polluting the air but they provide transportation for the people. Factories pollute the air and the water but they provide jobs for people and produce necessary goods.
People would have to stop using many useful things if they wanted to end pollution immediately. Most people do not want that of course. But pollution can be reduced gradually. Scientists and engineers can find the ways to reduce pollution from automobiles and factories.
 most terrible ecological problem of Ukraine is Chernobyl. The effect of Chernobyl disaster is dangerous and tragic, because we don t know up to the end all the consequences of radioactive contamination.
                                                                                                           6-7th form
I would like to tell you about my favourite types of films. There are a lot of types of films, but I’m crazy about musicals as ”Camp Rock” or ”High School Musical”. They attract me by the great variety of songs and dances.
I also adore animated films. They remind me of my careless childhood, they accompany me all my life. I’m keen on them, because they are very simple for understanding and their characters are pleasant looking and sometimes funny.
There is nothing like historical dramas. They give me a lot of gripping emotions. Such films invest new ideas into my memory. When I feel lonely, I don’t mind watching ”Mummies”.
You know I’m a kind person, so I can’t stand war films. They make me irritated, because such films contain a lot of fighting and blood. My guess is that, those people who watch war films must have strength of mind and be curageous.
On the whole, everybody has different tastes and different favourite films, but I’m sure that one day, you’ll realise that there is nothing better than musicals and animated films. 

7th form
Nature Pollution
People always lived in harmony with nature. But they wanted to live better and to make their lives easier. They began to discover new things and invent new technologies. This caused the global pollution of the nature.
One of the greatest problems in the world is the pollution of the environment. For example people pollute nature throwing trash everywhere, but it’s not the worst problem. With the development of industry pollution became more important. This leads to global warming, different diseases and disappearance of endangered species.
If people pay more attention to this situation, they would solve this problem more quickly. First of all if we recycled more plastic bottles, we wouldn’t have to produce so much plastic. If we produce less plastic, we would burn less oil. If we burned less oil, there would not be so much greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. If there was less greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, we would be able to reduce global warming. If we reduce global warming, the Earth’s climate wouldn’t change so fast. So, the world would be a safer place. I wish this with all my heart.

School in my life
No doubt that school is our second home. We spend a half of our life at school. While studying we become related with school classes and corridors. During our school life we get acquainted with a lot of people, who lately become our good friends. School gives us a lot of good knowledge which will be helpful im my future life.
Our school has all modern facilities. All classrooms are well-equipped. But I’m eager to describe the Art room. Firstly, this class big and spacy. There are a lot of windows there, so it is very light. We have a big blackboard on the wall and a TV above it. The teacher uses a lot of posters and schemes to make our work easier and more interesting. But we enjoy video lessons very much.That’s why we are delighted with Art lessons.

                                                                                          7th form
Technology is a very important thing of the 21st century. Nowadays people want to develop different spheres of their lives and do it in different ways. We use all possible devices and gadgets. In today’s world there are a lot of new inventions. They are: DVD player, portable CD player, computer, camera, and other useful gadgets. People think that the most important is the mobile phone which is used as a mean of connection. But scientists proved that kitchen devices are more highly needed.
But it’s worth mentioning that every plus has its minus. To be addicted to technologies is nothing good. When we work on the computer for a long time we damage our eyesight. So, we must spend less time at the computer and not to listen to music loudly to avoid ear problems. If you follow these rules, you won’t have any problems with your health.
My favourite gadget is a photo camera. I think it is the best device because it is not bad to your health and you’ll never forget the bright moments of your life. Furthermore, you can look through photos before they are printed and make any changes. Also everybody wants to look perfectly in the photos so some cameras have photoshops.
To finish with we can’t live without modern technologies nowadays.


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