четвер, 19 лютого 2015 р.

The Fourth Form English Olympiad Vocabulary and Grammar

The Fourth Form English Olympiad
Vocabulary and Grammar

Task1. Fill in the missing letters:
  1. _ _ rope

a)      Ue
b)      Eu
c)      Ea

  1. exer _ _se

a)      ci
b)      si
c)      sa

  1. diffi _ _ lt

a)      ku
b)      ca
c)      cu

  1. aut_ _ _

a)      eum
b)      umn
c)      emn

  1. bec _ _ se

a)      au
b)      ou
c)      oa

Task 2. Write the plural:
  1. an ox – ________________
  2. a beautiful butterfly – ________________________________
  3. The knife is sharp. – __________________________________________
  4. This woman is the prettiest. – _________________________________________
  5. There was a little mouse in that house. – ______________________________________

Task 3. Write the opposite:
  1. a few – __________________________________
  2. clean – ___________________________________
  3. never – ___________________________________
  4. interesting – ________________________________
  5. cheap –____________________________________

Task 4. Correct the mistakes:
  1. My parents doesn’t allow me go out at night. ___________________________________
  2. Yesturday we watched a fantastic film. ________________________________________
  3. What time the train to Lviv leave? ____________________________________________
  4. Look! The girl’s singing beautiful!  ___________________________________________
  5. I didn’t saw my granny last weekend. _________________________________________

Task 5. Write the correct form of the verb:
  1. My friends ____________________ (to enjoy) travelling by ship.
  2. Last winter we ______________________ (to spend) three days in the mountains.
  3. There _____________________ (to be) any snow in the streets now.
  4. Kate and I _________________________ (to have) our holidays at the moment.
  5. Your brother ______________________ (not to go) to the swimming pool on Tuesdays.

Task 6. Make up questions beginning with the word given:
  1. Nick usually dusts the furniture in his room.
Who ______________________________________________________________________
  1. His sister liked her last journey very much.
Why ______________________________________________________________________
  1. They are doing their homework now.
Where _____________________________________________________________________
  1. There were a lot of people in the streets last Sunday.
How many _________________________________________________________________
  1. Mary’s cousin often visits her grandpa in summer.
When _____________________________________________________________________

Task 6. Choose the correct variant:
  1. English is ______________ subject for me.

a)      the easiest
b)      the most easy
c)      easier

  1. The basket is empty. There is _____________cake left.

a)      some
b)      any
c)      no

  1. There are ______________books on the desk.

a)      a few
b)      a little
c)      much

  1. You ________________ a test in grammar next week.

a)      had
b)      will have
c)      is having

  1. It happened ____________ a cold winter day.

a)      on
b)      in
c)      at

  1. As for me “Harry Porter” is __________________ than “Alice in Wonderland”.

a)      the most interesting
b)      the more interesting
c)      more interesting

  1. There are ____________________ students in my class.

a)      thirty-one
b)      the thirty-first
c)      the thirtieth-first

  1. We can see many old things in the _________________.

a)      museum
b)      theatre
c)      circus

  1. Let’s go to the library and take ___________________ to read.

a)      anything
b)      nothing
c)      something

  1. My dad is good _______________ doing sums.

a)      at
b)      of
c)      in

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