субота, 7 березня 2015 р.

ABC Party

T: Good morning, Dear parents and guests! We are glad to see you at our party. Let’s start our opening ceremony.
II.Opening ceremony.
T: Today we’re going to have the ABC Party and speak about the English alphabet. School life won’t be so exciting without letters! They help you to solve everyday problems, write and speak, develop your creative skills. You dance and sing with the English letters, you can even compose songs.
Dear guests, welcome to  the  Center of Hope” school!
I.                  Main part
T: What can you tell our guests about your school life?
Class: We study at   the  Center of Hope” school.
P1: I am the pupil of the 1st form. I study two programmes: state one and ACE.
P2: I can do many things.
P3: I can read.
P4: I can write.
P5: I can draw.
P6: I can paint.
P7: I can think.
P8: I can count.
P9: I love my school!

T: Let’s present our guests the English alphabet! Letters A, B, C, D, E come to the stage.
 A is for apples and apple-trees,
You can see apple on apple-trees.

B is for books and for bookcase.
I have many books in my bookcase.

 C is for cat. My cat is grey,
And with me it likes to play.

D is for dog.
My dog has four legs.
I have only two.
My dog likes to run.
I like to run, too.

E is for English.
Everybody has a hobby,
I have a hobby, too.
English is my hobby.
It’s fun for me and you.

T: Our school gives you knowledge and practical skills you will need in future. It lits a Light inside you. Let’s keep it! ( Song ”This Little Light of Mine”)
T: Do you like school ” Center of Hope”?
C: Yes, we do.
T: Why do you like your school?
P1: I meet my friends every day. I love my teachers.
P2: I get many merits and good marks.
P3: I learn many interesting things.
P4: I can speak English.
P5: I like to draw and paint.
P6: I like to wear school uniform.
P7: I like our classroom. It’s big, clean and light.
P8: I learn the English alphabet.
T: The English alphabet gives you wide opportunities. Letters F, G, H, I, J are welcome.
F is for flowers.
Flowers here, flowers there.
Flowers are growing everywhere
 G is for girl.
I am a girl.
A little one.
I like to play.
I like to run

H: How many hands has a boy, say?
How many hands for work and play?
How many hands has a girl, say?
How many hands for work and play?

I for ICE-CREAM we all like to eat
Usually ice-cream is tasty and sweet.
J is for jam.
Jam is nice.
Jam is sweet.
This is what
I like to eat.

T: Do you remember our song about Jimmy the Jaguar? Let’s sing it. Song ”The Jaguar jumped  into the jeep…”
T: What do animals teach you?
P1: They teach me to be kind.
P2: I want to obedient.
P3:  I want to be friendly.
P4: I want to be courageous.
P5: I want to be diligent.
P6: I want to be fearless.
P7: I want to be truthful.
P8: I want to be patient.
P9: I want to be determined.
T: The English alphabet gives you knowledge which is a way to success. But you can’t be successful without peace in your soul! Let’s sing a song ”Peace Like a River.”
T:  We’ve knocked at the door of knowledge and some more letters have come: K, L, M, N, O.
 K is for Kite. Kate has a Kite.
It is little and it is white.

L is for a lamp which is very bright.
It helps me to draw, to read and to write.
M is for mouse.
Little mouse, little mouse.
Where is your house?
Little cat, little cat,
This is my flat.

N is for the numbers you can count.
Can you add them? No doubt!
 Give me an orange, orange, orange.
I don’t like to eat porridge, porridge.

T:  What is your favourite letter?
C: Letter M.
P: It has brought our friend  Milton the Mule.
T: Let’s sing a song about it! Song  Milton the Mule”.
The other letters are important too. Let’s greet P, Q, R, S, T.
P is for a pencil and for a pen.
We can draw and write with them.
Q is for queen.
I’m the Queen.
My name is Alice.
I’m beautiful
and live in a palace.

R is for rain, too.
Rain, rain, go away.
Come again another day.
Little children want to play.

S is for star.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
T is for teddy bear.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Touch the ground.

T:  Are you happy children?
C:  Yes, we are!
T: So sing a song ” If You Are Happy.”
T:  Letter T is for turnip too.  Do you like fairy- tales? Our students want to present you a tale ”Turnip”.

The Turnip
The Dog
The Cat
The Mouse

(Grandfather sees a big turnip.)
Grandfather:  Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden.
I want to pull it out. (Pulls the turnip). One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here!
Help me, please!
G r a n d m o t h e r:  All right, Grandfather. I'm coming. Grandfather   and   Grandmother
 (pulling together):  One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
 Grandmother:   Granddaughter, Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter:   All right, Granny. I'm coming.
 Grandfather,     Grandmother   and    Granddaughter (pulling together): One, two, three! ...
 One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter:   Dog, Dog, help us, please!
The  Dog:  All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandfather,    Grandmother,   Granddaughter    and the Dog  (pulling together):
One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!  
The Dog: Cat, Cat, help us, please!
T h e  C a t:  All right, Dog. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog and the Cat (pulling together):
One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it's too big for us!
The   Cat:   Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!
The  Mouse:  All right. Cat. I'm coming.
Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog, the Cat and
the Mouse (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three! (Fall down.)
The Turnip   (standing up): Here I am!
All   (together): Oh! What a big turnip we have!

T: Now let’s greet the last letters of the English alphabet U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
U is for umbrella.
This is my umbrella.
When the sky is grey,
I can go for a walk
On a rainy day.

V is for victory.
The ninth of May
Is Victory Day.
We sing and play
On this happy day.

W is for winter that is white with snow
Snowy trees are standing in a row.
X is for six
Let’s count up to six:
Y is for the yard where children play.
They play in the yard every day.
Z is for zebra. It lives in the zoo.
It likes to meet with a kangaroo.

II.               Conclusion.
T: Today we talked about school , the English alphabet and had a lot of fun. It was great! I’m pleased with you! Let’s finish our party with ABC song!

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