понеділок, 9 березня 2015 р.

Writing 8th Form

I Fill in the blanks with the correct letters.
1. diction_y                                   3. catalog_
a) er  b) ar c) ur  d) or                   a) ue b) ye c) eu d) ie
2. c_tents                                       4. enc_lopedia
a) en b) un c) on d) an                   a) ac b) yc c) yk d) ik
II Match the antonyms. One of the words is extra one.
1. optimistic               a) indecent
2. hard-working         b) silly
3. intelligent               c) persistent
4. decent                     d) ugly
5. just                         e) lazy
6. beautiful                 f)  unjust
                                   g) pessimistic

III Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct tense.
1.           Our family (save) money for a new car by the end of the year.
2.           If you (catch) the taxi, you (meet) Mary at the station.
3.           Father told us that he (buy) the tickets the day before.
4.           The girl (water) her flowers in the morning.
5.           This time tomorrow they (sit) in the train on their way to Chicago.
6.           Many reporters (come) to the conference yesterday.
7.           Don’t shout! My son (sleep).
8.           He already (break) his new bicycle.
IV Characterize a person.
1.     Steve isn’t afraid of dangerous situations. He is ...
2.     Ann can’t stop talking. She is ...
3.     Bogdan hates spending money. He is ...
4.     Kate is friendly and enjoys being with other people. She is ...
5.     Harry never tells a lie. He is ...

I Find and correct mistakes
1 to brethe, 2 to poor, 3 kemicals, 4 poisones, 5 to consern

II Match the words and word-combinations. One of the words is extra one
1 ecological              a) much benefit
2 to take                    b) substances
3 environmental        c) protection
4 harmful                  d) problems
5 to demand              e) speed
6 to get                      f) one’s time and money
7 to waste                  g) an apology
                                   h) a breath
III Choose the correct verbs
1.    The results of these experiments ... to be very interesting.
a) suppose; b) supposed; c) are supposed; d) is supposed
2.    A film about London ... in room 5 now.
a) is shown; b) being shown; c) has been shown; d) is being shown
3.    She did not know that she ... by him.
a) was being watched; b) is being watched; c) was watching; d) had been watched
4.    If I... free tomorrow I shall have a walk in the park.
a) will be; b) am; c) is being; d) would be
5.    The two towns... by a railway next year.
a) connected; b) are connected; c) will be connected; d) will have been connected
6.    The article ... that's why I asked him for help.

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