понеділок, 9 березня 2015 р.

Writing 6th Form

I. Fill in the blanks
1. She plays tennis … .
a)     now; b) every Sunday; c) already; d) this week
2. Her parents have not come home… .
a)     yet; b) now; c) tomorrow; d) a year ago; 
3) They are listening to the new song … .
a)     next week; b) at Christmas; c) after; d) at this moment.
4) This doctor will work … .
a)     yesterday; b) now; c) tomorrow; d) always.
5) Our teacher brought us a new map … .
a)     last week; b)next week; c) often; d) usually.
6) We were dancing … .
a)     a week before; b) today; c) at 5 o’clock yesterday; d) at 11 o’clock.

II. Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences.
1) you, did, the museum visit yesterday?
2) will, play snowballs, the boys, next morning.
3) I, walk, don’t, my friends, with.
4) has, already, bought, a, new, she, house?
5)  now, are, my dogs, sleeping, the yard, in.
6) not, we, students, are.

III. Open the brackets.
1) He is ( tall ) than me.
2) My granny ( to bake) a cake now.
3) Painting ( to be ) my hobby.
4) Tanya is (good) pupil in our class.
5) Ukraine (to wash ) by the seas.
6) I ( to wait ) for you at 3 o’clock tomorrow.

IV. Fill in the necessary prepositions.
1) The train always comes … time.
2) … Monday we are going to the seaside.
3) There is a beautiful Christmas tree … the hall.
4) … Easter people paint eggs.
5) My father comes home … in the evening.
6) I want to see everybody … my birthday.


I. Match  the word and its translation
1)     symbol                                      a) стюардеса
2)     country                                      b) королева
3)     anthem                                       с) символ
4)     flight attendant                          d) країна
5)     Europe                                       e) гимн
6)     Queen                                        f) Европа
II. Choose the right variant
1)     The new supermarket ( is built/ was built) every day.
2)     We (are invited/ will be invited) to the party next week.
3)     By the time my brother came I ( had cleaned/ have cleaned) the flat.
4)     I thought you ( were/ are) at school.
5)     When the weather (is / will be) fine, we’ll go to the forest.
6)     Kyiv (is situated/ was situated) on the Dnieper.
III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.
1)     I go … home after school.
2)     Our bus arrives … 3.30.
3)     Let’s go … the river and swim.
4)     … weekend we  are going to go … the village.
5)     I have 5 or six lessons … school.
6)     You can cut bread … a knife.
IV. Put 4 types of questions to the given sentences.
1)     Englishmen like to drink tea five times a day.
2)     This teacher taught us Mathematics last year.
3)     My family has already visited the Crimea. 

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