четвер, 12 березня 2015 р.

Speaking 8th Form

Semester I
I Find positive and negative traits of character
Confident, ambitious, cheerful, moody, impatient, lazy, reserved, well-mannered, pessimistic, bright, stubborn, just, envious, imaginative, honest.
II Answer the question
What qualities are very important for those who want:
·        to become successful in their life?         
·        to become skillful at some job?              
·        to get along with others easily?

·        to be respected by people?
III Complete the following conversation
A: How many people are there in your family?
A: What is your mother by character?
A: Is your father an optimistic person?
A: Has your sister/brother a serious nature?
A: What about your grandparents?
IV Speak about one of the following topics
·        My friend’s character
·        Ukrainian nation – main characteristics
·        Relations with your parents

I Choose the correct answer
1 There are many environmental problems. What are they?
a) land pollution, radioactivity, acid rains
b) hardships and difficulties in life
c) problems of international communication
2 How can we solve environmental problems?
a) people should talk to each other more
b) people should control amount of pollution
d) people should take care of each other
3 Why do environmental problems appear?
a) because there are too many people on the planet
b) because biological balance is being upset
c) because our life became faster
4 What must we do in order to protect the environment?
a) we must eat only fresh food
b) we must have more domestic animals
c) we must use ozone-friendly products

II Answer the questions
1 What environmental problems demand world action nowadays?
2 What is ecology?
3 What is the environment?
4 How can human activities make the environment unhealthy?
5 What pollutes and poisons the air?

III Complete the following conversation
A: What city do you live in?
B: …
A: Is your city clean or polluted?
B: …
A: How many plants are there in your city?
B: …
A: What do you do to keep your city clean?
B: …

IV Speak about one of the following topics
·        Ukrainian Scientists
·        Environmental Protection in Ukraine
·        Your Attitude to Zoos

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