четвер, 12 березня 2015 р.

Speaking 7th Form


         Task 1. Circle the odd word.
1.     a) swimming; b) sailing; c) cycling; d) yachting;
2.     a) term; b) equipment; c) laboratory; d) coach;
3.     a) hang-gliding; b) bungee-jumping; c) jogging; d) skateboarding;
4.     a) compulsory; b) elementary; c) school; d) senior;
5.     a) Chemistry; b) Physics; c) Astronomy; d) Literature.

Task 2. Divide the words from Task 1 into 2 columns:  “Sports and Games” and “School”.

Task 3. Make up 10 sentences of your own using the words from Task 1.

Task 4. Tell about:
1.     Sports in your life.
2.     Your favourite kind of sports.
3.     Sports competitions at your school.
4.     School in your life.
5.     Your school curriculum. 

I. Choose the correct answer.
1.Can I end a parcel from here?
a) No. madam. You can do it over there. b) Yes, I can. C) Of course, drop it into the mail –box.
2. Is the man standing here your uncle?
a) Yes, he is standing there; b) Yes, haven’t you seen him before? c) Yes, he is your uncle.
3. Ukraine doesn’t border on Afghanistan, does it?
a) Yes, sometimes; b) Of course, not. c) No, it isn’t.
II. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversation.
M.: Are you fond of football?
A.: …
M.: Whom do you support?
A.: ….
M.: So do I. By the way, what was the score of yesterday’s game?
A.: …
M. It was good, wasn’t it?
A.: …
M.: Well, I have to go now.
A.: …
III.  Make up questions to interview our classmates.
1) What / interested in? 
2) use / English / future ?
3) pen-friend/ abroad?
4) How often / write letters?

IV. Speak on such topics:
Sports and Games.
My School Life.
My favourite film.

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