четвер, 12 березня 2015 р.

Speaking 9th Form

I Divide shops into two groups where we buy products and goods
Confectioner’s, millinery, butcher’s, stationer’s, ironmonger’s, fishmonger’s, fruiters, hardware, florist’s, chemist’s, grocer’s, greengrocer’s, draper’s, baker’s, jeweler’s.

II Answer the questions
1 Where do you buy sour-cream?
2 What can you say if the shoes hurt you?
3 Where do you pay for your purchases?
4 Where do you go to try a suit on?
5 Can you buy a man’s cap in the millinery?

III Complete the dialogue
C: May I try on those black shoes?
C: I don’t like them. I’d like to try on those brown shoes.
C: They don’t hurt me. They are all right. How much are they?
C: Thank you!

IV Speak on one of the following topics
1 Describe your last visit to the shop.
2 Describe one of the Department Stores in your city.
3 You are shopping in the self-service shop.

I Tell about the most common dishes in Ukrainian cuisine.

II Complete the conversation with a waiter
W: You are being served, aren’t you?
V: …
W: The steak is just to your taste, isn’t it? You have ordered salad for two, haven’t you?
V: …
W: Do you need the wine list?
V: …
W: Will you have the strawberries with sugar?
V: …
W: Will you eat table d’hote or a la carte?
V: …

III Answer the following questions
1 What do you usually do when you fall ill?
2 What does the doctor do when you have flu?
4 What are the symptoms of flu?
5 Who operates on people?
6 When is one put on sick leave?
IV Suggested topics for conversation:
1 Traditional Ukrainian Cuisine
2 Health Service in Ukraine
3 Sport helps people prepare themselves for life

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