понеділок, 9 березня 2015 р.

Writing 11th Form

1.Complete the sentences 
1)After failing his driving test four times, he finally … trying to pass.
a) gave in; b) gave off; c) gave away; d) gave up
2) I … all of the questions correctly since I began this grammar exercise.
a) am answering; b) answer; c) have answered; d) had answered
3) I have my English class … Monday morning.
a) in; b) at; c) for; d) on
4) I was late. The teacher … the test when I … to class.
a) has already given, got;  b) had already given, got;  c) has already given, get;         d) was already giving, get
5) They can’t have … more strawberries. I want … to make jam.
a) some, any; b) no, some; c) any, any; d) any, some
6) Nothing was stolen, … ?
a) was it; b) wasn’t anything; c) wasn’t it; d) was anything 

2.Fill in the appropriate grammar forms
1) I put 5 pound note into one of my books: but next day it ( take) me ages to find it because I (forget) which book I ( put) it into.
2) You are too young to understand. I ( explain) it to you when you (be) older.
3) I thought my train (leave) at 14.33, and (be) very disappointed when I ( arrive) at 14.30. and (learn) it just (leave).
4) Before trains were invented people used (travel) on horseback or in stagecoaches.
5) We (have) a drink with Peter tonight. (He has invited us). It’s his last night: he (leave) tomorrow.
6) Railway notice: Passengers ( modal verb) be in possession of a ticket.   
3. Read each sentence carefully. Then, select the appropriate adjective from the list and write it in the blank. 
Rocky, eventful, silk like, careless, metallic, yearly.
1) The … cost of the insurance is $452.
2) Polyester is a … material.
3) Saturday was certainly an … day.
4) The car was badly damaged on the … road.
5) Sheila made some … mistakes on her income tax.
6) She liked silver and other colours

4. Think of any famous product or thing advertised nowadays. Write the slogan of  the commercial  and ways that are used to make customers buy the product or thing.



1. Choose correct answer.  

1) My mother was … of making a cake when front door bell rang.

a) at the center b) on her way  c) in the middle  d) halfway through 

2) … you do better work than this, you won’t pass the exam

a) Although  b) If  c) Unless  d) When

3) If you want to join the history society, you must first … this application form.

a) make up  b) write down  c) fill in  d) do up

4) He has just taken an examination … History.

a) on  b) about  c) for  d) in

5) The police have asked that … who saw the accident get in touch with them.

a) somebody  b) someone  c) one  d) anyone

6) It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to … a story.

a) invent  b) combine  c) manage  d) lie

2.Here are fifteen  pairs of words. One words functions as a noun while the other one as an adjective. Write each word in the proper column.

Ease, heroic, fame, foolish, care, supplement, troublesome, wooden, statuesque, comfort, truthful, famous, traditional, Texas, comfortable, death, statue, tradition, action, heroism, easy, truth, active, supplementary, careless, trouble, Texan, wood, fool, deathly.

Nouns:                                                                    Adjectives:

3. Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them. 

1)“Aeneid”, a masterpiece of national humour, written in colloquial Ukrainian language.

2) I don’t know when “Aeneid”, written by I Kotlyarevsky, was first publishing.

3) Nobody couldn’t show me the way to the Art Gallery.

4) Nothing was never written in the newspaper about the new play. 

5) We went either to the museum nor to the theatre last week.

6) We couldn’t buy tickets nowhere.

4. Choose and write on the theme of the two topics. Use about 100 words.  

1)   You are going abroad, but you haven’t decided yet which way of travelling to choose. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of air travel in your letter to an English-speaking friend.

2)   Describe the area where you grew up in a way that would help a tourist to decide whether or not to visit it.


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