четвер, 12 березня 2015 р.

Speaking 10th Form


I.                                          Change the following sentences onto opposite ones.
1.                                         They say his new play is a complete failure with the public.
2.                                         Every agrees, that X was at the worst yesterday.
3.                                         This play is still on at the Art Theatre.
4.                                         My friend said that he had enjoyed every minute of the play.
5.                                         N’s acting was true to life.
6.                                         When one sits on the front rows one has a good view of the stage.
7.                                         The play was so dull that spectators were bored to death
8.                                         My brother often goes to matinees.
Use the following expressions:
Was bored, artificial, overexcited, greatly impressed, success, night performances, isn’t on, gallery, bad, the best

II.               Be ready to develop ideas on the topic
For or against pop music
For                                                  Against
1.     new rhythms and styles                 1. repeats old styles and rhythms
2.     happy and easily caught                2. monotonous beating
3.     for younger people                       3. primitive and easy forgotten
4.     it is their hopes, dreams, joys,       4. primitive emotions
disappointments                                5. bits the nervous system
5.     overexcited                                  6. mass hysteria
6.     for different tastes                        7. to frighten the sharks
7.     attracts great masses
of younger people
III.           Complete the conversation
1.                                         Do you like to receive letters?
2.                                         ………………………………
1.                                         Are you a good correspondent?
2.                                         ……………………………….
1.                                         On what occasions do we send greetings, and postcards?
2.                                         ……………………………….
1.                                         What different reasons might people have for making stamps collecting a hobby?
2.                                         ……………………………….
1.                                         Does it have much time to have one’s letter or parcel registered?
2.                 …………………………………
1.                                         How do we send money?
2.                                         …………………………………..
1.                                         Have you ever sent a telegram be phone?
2.                                          …………………………………..

IV.           Speak on the following topics
1.                                         Music in Your Life
2.                                         Institution of higher learning in Ukraine
3.                                         Information about the Earth and other planets
4.                                         Describe the best film you have ever seen.

I. Choose only positive features of the character:
Arrogant, chatter-box, ambitious, witty, sharp-minded, ill-mannered, promiscuous, sophisticated, unrestrained, partial, dignified, sulky, patient, just, deceived, sincere, respectable, gentle
II. Describe:
1.     a skillful worker(hardworking, attentive, capable)
2.     a person who is successful in the career(clever, ambitious)
3.     a person who says lie very often (dishonest)
III. Complete the conversation
1.     Does your mother look younger for her age?
2.     ……………………………………………..
1.     Do you take after your mother (father)?
2.     ……………………………………………
1.     Who of your classmates has regular feathers?
2.     ………………………………………………
1.     When do we say that a person looks healthy?
2.     ………………………………………………
1.     Is there anything peculiar about your friend appearance?
2.     ………………………………………………………….

IV Give a personal identification (character sketch) about his or her appearance, age, likes, dislikes, temperament, disposition

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