понеділок, 9 березня 2015 р.

Writing 7th Form

I. Choose the correct  grammar form.
1) My friend ( to ride ) a bike now.
a) ride; b) is ride; c) is riding; d) riding
2) This man ( to be) here yesterday.
a) was; b) will be; c) were; d) is
3) My son already  (to make ) his bed.
a) made; b) has made; c) makes; d) is making
4) This task is  (difficult ) than that one.
a) many difficult; b) difficulter; c) more difficult; d) the most difficult.

II. Open the brackets and use gerunds.
1) (watch) TV is not useful.
2) I hate (wash) dishes.
3) She is fond of ( read ) love stories.
4) His greatest pleasure is (do) nothing.
5) After (visit) museum I  went to see my friends.
6) He apologized for (leave) the door open. 
III. Make up  Tag- questions to the sentences.
1)    He never asks for help.
2)    Let’s go to the seaside together.
3)     We are walking in the forest.
4)     My best friend has already got a new flat.
5)    Her parents decided to divorce.
6)    There are many flowers in the vase. 

IV. Write about the importance of going in for sports. (10-12 sentences)

I. Match the parts of the sentences.
1) What                                  a) did your labour training practice take place?
2) When                                 b) do you like best of all?
3) What holiday                     c) is it necessary to know foreign languages?
4) Where                                d) countries does Ukraine border on?
5) Whom                                e) do you usually write letters to?
6) Why                                   f) did you spend your summer holidays?
II. Infinitive. Use particle “to” where necessary. 
1) I think you ought … apologize.
2)Make him … speak louder.
3) Help me … carry this bag.
4) My son asked me … let him  … go to the theatre.
5) I must … go to the country.
6) It cannot … be done today. 
III. Modals. Fill in can, may, must.
1) She … translate the article into Russian.
2) He … at the Institute at 9 o’clock.
3) We … get home before it gets dark.
4) He … come tonight but I am not sure.
5) … have another cup of tea?
6) I … easily carry this bag to the station.

IV. Imagine, you are writing a letter to your American pen-friend, tell him (her) about your favourite film or play.

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