неділя, 1 березня 2015 р.


Technology is a very important thing of the 21st century. Nowadays people want to develop different spheres of their lives and do it in different ways. We use all possible devices and gadgets. In today’s world there are a lot of new inventions. They are: DVD player, portable CD player, computer, camera, and other useful gadgets. People think that the most important is the mobile phone which is used as a mean of connection. But scientists proved that kitchen devices are more highly needed.

But it’s worth mentioning that every plus has its minus. To be addicted to technologies is nothing good. When we work on the computer for a long time we damage our eyesight. So, we must spend less time at the computer and not to listen to music loudly to avoid ear problems. If you follow these rules, you won’t have any problems with your health.
My favourite gadget is a photo camera. I think it is the best device because it is not bad to your health and you’ll never forget the bright moments of your life. Furthermore, you can look through photos before they are printed and make any changes. Also everybody wants to look perfectly in the photos so some cameras have photoshops.
To finish with we can’t live without modern technologies nowadays.

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